Your Mouth: Keeping It Healthy
Have you ever thought about how much you use your mouth? Without it, you couldn't talk with your friends, enjoy your food, or even laugh at a joke. Do you care for your hardworking mouth as well as you should? If not, tooth decay and gum disease could be putting your smile in danger. Take control now to keep your mouth healthy.
Benefits of a Healthy Mouth: Taking care of your teeth and gums can help you feel confident about your smile.
Why bother caring for your teeth and gums? For one thing, what goes on in your mouth can affect the rest of your body. Poor oral health is linked to problems such as heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. But that's not all. If you're pregnant, caring for your teeth and gums can help ensure your baby is born on time and healthy. Good oral health can also:
Help you chew and digest your food.
Keep your mouth comfortable and pain free.
Help you speak clearly.
Keep your breath fresh.
Keep you looking and feeling good. And when you feel good about your mouth, you're more likely to smile!
Your Oral Health
At dental visits, you will be asked about signs of problems. Before your visit, think about the answers to these questions:
Are your teeth sensitive to heat or cold?
Do your teeth hurt if you have sweet foods or drinks?
Has the way you bite down changed?
Do you feel pain when you bite down?
Do any of your teeth feel loose?
Do you have bad breath?
Are your gums swollen, puffy, or sore?
Do your gums bleed when you floss or brush?
Has the color of your gums changed?
Have your gums pulled back from your teeth?
Are you happy with your smile?