Understanding Bruxism (Teeth Grinding)
Although teeth grinding (bruxism) may happen at any time, people often grind their teeth in their sleep. You may not even know you're doing it. The causes are not clear. Stress is one possible cause, but often the reason for the habit is not known.
Damage Caused by Teeth Grinding
Teeth grinding may cause:
Chipped enamel and cracked teeth
Flattened, grooved, worn-down teeth
Loosened teeth
Periodontal (gum) problems
If it goes untreated, bruxism may lead to jaw muscle and joint problems and even loss of your teeth.
Evaluating the Problem
Your dentist will examine your entire mouth and ask several questions. This evaluation helps confirm that you do grind your teeth. It may also help identify a possible cause of your teeth-grinding habit.
The Symptoms of Grinding
Symptoms like these may be a signal that you grind your teeth:
A sore, tired jaw
Sensitive teeth
Loose teeth
Dull headaches, earaches, or neck aches
Clicking sounds when you open your mouth
Possible Treatments
Your dentist may suggest one or more of these treatments:
A mouth guard (plastic device that fits over your teeth) protects teeth from grinding damage. It's worn at the times when you're most likely to grind your teeth.
Bite adjustment (correcting the way your top teeth fit against your bottom teeth) can reduce chances of grinding if your bite is uneven.
Reducing stress may lessen grinding by relaxing your jaw muscles. Your dentist may suggest ways to reduce stress, like exercise.
Medication may be given to help relieve sore muscles or reduce stress.