Flossing Crowns, Bridges, and Implants

Bacteria collects in every nook and cranny of your mouth. It can cause disease in teeth, gums, and bone. It can even decay teeth beneath restorations (dental treatments such as crowns, bridges, and implants). Brushing cleans bacteria from surfaces that are easy to reach. But to clean where a toothbrush can't reach, you need to floss.

Daily Flossing: Scrape the floss against the side of each tooth several times.

Flossing daily removes bacteria from between teeth and from pockets between teeth and gums. A water jet product can help.

  • Clean all surfaces under and around a restoration just as well as you would clean your natural teeth. The technique is also pretty much the same.

  • Flossing is easiest with a floss holder or disposable floss tool. These let you floss with one hand. That way you can floss while doing other tasks, such as working at your desk.

  • To floss:

    • Take about 18 inches of floss and wrap the ends around your middle fingers.

    • Gently slide the floss between your teeth. Scrape it against the side of each tooth several times.

A floss threader helps you get floss under a bridge.Cleaning Aids

Special cleaning aids can make it easier to clean all surfaces of your teeth.

  • Denture cleansers reach denture surfaces that brushing misses.

  • Floss holders help you floss in hard-to-reach places.

  • Interdental brushes clean inside spaces, such as under a bridge.

  • Electric toothbrushes help you clean teeth with less effort.