Caring for Your Bridge

Your bridge depends on the health of supporting teeth and gums. Always clean your bridge and the rest of your mouth carefully. Ask your dentist whether special cleaning aids for bridges would help you.


Brush after each meal. Brush the surfaces and sides of your bridge just as you do your natural teeth. Use an interdental brush to clean between large spaces.


Floss at least once a day to clean food and bacteria from between teeth and at the gum line. Special thick floss can help keep your bridge clean. Floss threaders help you thread floss under a fixed bridge.

Dental Visits

See your dentist at least twice a year for a cleaning and checkup. These dental visits help keep your teeth and gums in good condition. Your dentist can also check to be sure there are no problems with your bridge. If you do notice a problem, especially if your bridge is loose, call your dentist right away. Never try to fix your bridge yourself.

Living with Your New Bridge

Your new bridge can help make chewing comfortable again. It can also let you feel confident about your smile. Take the time to care for your teeth. Keep your mouth healthy and your teeth will stay looking and feeling good.